
学認クラウドゲートウェイサービスは利用規程に基づいて運用されており、学認クラウドゲートウェイサービスをご利用された時点で本規程に同意されたものとみなされます。 ご利用前に利用ガイドラインを必ずお読みください。

未申請の機関の方はグループ機能(MYグループ)のみ利用可能です。利用申請は随時受け付けておりますので https://cloud.gakunin.jp/cgw/ をご参照ください。

GakuNin Cloud Gateway Service provides portal functionality to access all of the online services from one place, such as the various cloud services necessary for research and educational activities as well as electronic journals.
Constituent members of one of universities and research institutions, i.e. the organization, can easily and quickly access the list of services they want to use such as the services contracted by their organization, by accessing this service via authentication infrastructure operated by their organization. Furthermore, administrators of the organization can count on a highly-convenient system for members of their organization, such as the ability to customize service lists to display for users.